Our Mission

To add light where there is darkness, to offer inspiration when dreams are stagnant, and to be bold and consistent in our commitment to give back to this wonderful life we’ve been given.

“God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we can not change; courage to change the things we can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

Life Begins Right Now

If you look closely, you’ll notice the energy of inspiration is all around. From the rising sun to a placid lake on a warm summer night; from our favorite books to our own reflections, the places and things from which we can draw inspiration are infinite. And the best part is that every day is a chance to capture this energy—to seek out all of life’s possibilities. ~Linda Sweatt~


On the first Saturday of each month we hit the road with a cool and authentic group of couples seeking to enjoy each others companionship and have ourselves a vettetastic-good-time. 


Our Core Values

Being our genuine selves is the essence of our being. Authenticity allows what we say and do in life to align with our actions.